News: 0175556935

  ARM Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life (Terry Pratchett, Jingo)

NASA Aircraft Uncovers Cold War Nuclear Missile Tunnels Under Greenland Ice (

(Thursday November 28, 2024 @11:08AM (BeauHD) from the hide-and-seek dept.)

An anonymous reader quotes a report from

> NASA scientists conducting surveys of arctic ice sheets in Greenland got an [1]unprecedented view of an abandoned "city under the ice " built by the U.S. military during the Cold War. During a scientific flight in April 2024, a NASA Gulfstream III aircraft flew over the Greenland Ice Sheet carrying radar instruments to map the depth of the ice sheet and the layers of bedrock below it. The images revealed a new view of Camp Century, a Cold War-era U.S. military base consisting of a series of tunnels carved directly into the ice sheet.


> As it turns out, this abandoned "secret city" was the site of a secret Cold War project known as Project Iceworm which called for the construction of 2,500 miles (4,023 km) of tunnels that could be used to nuclear intermediate range ballistic missiles (IRBMs) at the Soviet Union. "We were looking for the bed of the ice and out pops Camp Century. We didn't know what it was at first," said NASA's Chad Greene, a cryospheric scientist at the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), in an agency [2]statement . "In the new data, individual structures in the secret city are visible in a way that they've never been seen before."

"Weapons, sewage, fuel and other contaminants were buried at Camp Century when it was abandoned, but the thawing Greenland Ice Sheet threatens to [3]unbury these dangerous relics ," reports In 2017, the U.S. government issued [4]a statement saying it "acknowledges the reality of climate change and the risk it poses" and will "work with the Danish government and the Greenland authorities to settle questions of mutual security" over Camp Century.

Scientists are using Camp Century to serve as a warning and a signpost to measure how climate change is affecting the area. You can learn more about Camp Century in a restored declassified U.S. Army film [5]on YouTube .






Uh, 200 years from now (Score:2, Interesting)

by Dan East ( 318230 )

> the thawing Greenland Ice Sheet threatens to unbury these dangerous relics


> New research suggests that as early as 2090, rates of ice loss at the site could exceed gains from new snowfall. And within a century after that, melting could begin to release waste stored at the camp

So that's assuming that by 2090 ice loss begins to exceed gain, then 100 years after that parts of the base may be exposed.

Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

by Anonymous Coward

The Russians warned you people about Afghanistan and you didn't listen.

Re: (Score:1)

by christoban ( 3028573 )

He's not lying. He's just that dumb.

Re: (Score:3, Informative)

by drinkypoo ( 153816 )

> Really you ignorant fuck? Trump withdrew from Afghanistan?

Trump made the deal and set the deadline. Are you ignorant or trolling? There's no third option.

Re: Uh, 200 years from now (Score:1)

by guruevi ( 827432 )

A deal generally means both sides have obligations. The obligations werenâ(TM)t met by the Taliban and Trump said he wasnâ(TM)t going to withdraw as a result, hence why he didnâ(TM)t.

Perhaps you should not believe everything the legacy media propaganda outlets tell you. Youâ(TM)re smarter than to watch The View for your news.

Re: Uh, 200 years from now (Score:2)

by nategasser ( 224001 )

I love how Biden's list of crimes includes "making us listen to a black woman laugh" but he's ok with Trump committing sexual assault and attempting to overthrow the government.

How fragile can these people get?

Re: (Score:3)

by Jayhawk0123 ( 8440955 )

Ohh WOW.... you triggered someone really bad :D (re- post from by iAmWaySmarterThanYou ( 10095012 ))

I hope it's a bot and not an actual human... that was some impressive unloading of issues....

Re: (Score:1)

by suprchunk ( 782952 )

No arguing against made up "facts". The bubble you live is will burst horribly. Sadly your kind doesn't care about the effects you cause others. But don't worry, you'll get some of it too. After all, you poors voted your demise...

Re: (Score:3)

by geekmux ( 1040042 )

It’s also assuming there’s something dangerous still there. Sewage and fuel, isn’t exactly a massive threat if it falls into enemy hands. And if it was abandoned then why are there still “weapons” there, or was that merely creative reporting?

Re: (Score:2)

by Jayhawk0123 ( 8440955 )

stop reading the articles and be alarmist like the rest!!!

you risk having an informed populace if you continue this way...

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by ArchieBunker ( 132337 )

Yes 200 years. This usually happens over millennia. That’s the problem.

Short movie (Score:5, Interesting)

by korgitser ( 1809018 )

A short movie about the base from the bygone era. [1] [] Might not have the nuke launch codes, but an interesting watch nevertheless.


PM-2A portable nuclear reactor (Score:3)

by Mirnotoriety ( 10462951 )

What about the PM-2A portable nuclear reactor left behind at Camp Century. Slowly melting down into the ice

[1]A Look Back at the Portable Nuclear Reactor that Sat on Top of the World []


Re: (Score:1)

by olsmeister ( 1488789 )

As soon as Microsoft hears about it, they'll go after it to repurpose it to power a data center.

Radar penetrates ice. Can it penetrate dirt? (Score:3)

by schwit1 ( 797399 )

Can it find tunnels in Gaza and at the Korean & US borders?

Re: (Score:2)

by ArchieBunker ( 132337 )

Why is your first thought military purposes? If Israel wanted ground penetrating radar the US would do a wire transfer within the hour.

In The Morse Of Madness (Score:2)

by cstacy ( 534252 )

I am forced into comment because men of science have trespassed into that place of green ice, that place of cold war, hidden in the previous century.

Under the sheet and blowing howl in these twisting tunnels here at the 77th parallel once sang on our wireless the cryptic Morse and murmer whose cadences sometimes held vague suggestions of a wild and half-sentient musical piping. Fully conscious we transcribed and indexed the dots and dashes from our little book of secrets. But even before trabslation, the to

Heat rays huh? (Score:2)

by byronivs ( 1626319 )

I'm excited about this development.

Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right
to use the editorial "we".
-- Mark Twain