Z-Library Helps Students to Overcome Academic Poverty, Study Finds (torrentfreak.com)
- Reference: 0175511271
- News link: https://yro.slashdot.org/story/24/11/21/0014203/z-library-helps-students-to-overcome-academic-poverty-study-finds
- Source link: https://torrentfreak.com/z-library-helps-students-to-overcome-academic-poverty-study-finds-241120/
> The research looks at the motivations of two groups; Reddit users and Chinese postgraduate students. Despite the vast differences between these groups, their views on Z-Library are quite similar. The 134 Reddit responses were sampled from the Zlibrary subreddit, which is obviously biased in favor of the site. However, the reasoning goes well beyond a simple "I want free stuff" arguments. Many commenters highlighted that they were drawn to the site out of poverty, for example, or they highlighted that Z-Library was an essential tool to fulfill their academic goals.
> "Living in a 3rd world country, 1 book would cost like 50%- 80% already of my daily wage," one Redditor wrote. The idea that Z-Library is a 'necessary evil' was also highlighted by other commenters. This includes a student who can barely make ends meet, and a homeless person, who has neither the money nor the space for physical books. The lack of free access to all study materials, including academic journal subscriptions at university libraries, was also a key motivator. Paired with the notion that journal publishers make billions of dollars, without compensating authors, justification is found for 'pirate' alternatives. "They make massive profits. So stealing from them doesn't hurt the authors nor reviewers, just the rich greedy publishers who make millions just to design a cover and click 'publish'," one Redditor wrote.
> The second part of the study is conducted in a more structured format among 103 postgraduate students in China. This group joined a seminar where Z-Library and the crackdown were discussed. In addition, the students participated in follow-up focus group discussions, while also completing a survey. Despite not all being users of the shadow library, 41% of the students agreed that the site's (temporary) shutdown affected their ability to study and find resources for degree learning. In general, the students have a favorable view toward Z-Library and similar sites, and 71% admit that they have used a shadow library in the past. In line with China's socialist values, the overwhelming majority of the students agreed that access to knowledge should be free for everyone. While the students are aware of copyright law, they believe that the need to access knowledge outweighs rightsholders' concerns. This is also reflected in the following responses, among others. All in all, Z-Library and other shadow libraries are seen as a viable option for expensive or inaccessible books, despite potential copyright concerns.
The paper has been [2]published in the Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice .
[1] https://torrentfreak.com/z-library-helps-students-to-overcome-academic-poverty-study-finds-241120/
[2] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/385695622_Digital_Piracy_in_Higher_Education_Exploring_Social_Media_Users_and_Chinese_Postgraduate_Students_Motivations_for_Supporting_'Academic_Cybercrime'_by_shelving_ebooks_from_Z-Library
It is time for a new funding model. (Score:2)
Copyright worked well enough for the the few hundred years between the inventions of the printing press and the digital computer.
Especially when it was like a tax on printing costs, and printing required a lot of capital. But it is now horribly outdated.
Second hand books, private loans and public libraries helped address inequality. But now the publishers are try to stop such sharing and resale. They frequently put out new editions with only trivial changes (aside from the cover) to try
school textbooks don't need to change each year (Score:2)
school textbooks don't need to change each year
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It's the old model where distributing information in dead-tree form created an opportunity for middlemen with the capital to make that happen. About 10% of a book's sale price goes to the author, and if we assume the people who review and edit maybe deserve half that, textbooks should be distributed electronically for roughly 1/6 their hard copy price.
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Quite accute. I feel for students trapped in an online course, using a book that they cannot even cut a quote out of without "snip, pdf, ocr". It makes studying extremely difficult and wastes many, many hours. Yes, those pdfs, illegal as they might be, are quite justified in my mind.
What Comes Around... (Score:3, Interesting)
So, apparently some folk claim to have needed these ill-gotten goods to facilitate their personal growth. I myself admit to having taken great advantage of my public library in my youth since I wasn't able to purchase all of the periodicals and other reference books that I needed to further my self-education. Sure, there's a difference in the fact that using a traditional library is legal and using a Z-library probably isn't, but the need was the same. Anyway, I'm curious. How many of those Z-library users will return the favor after they benefit? Do they plan on sharing their own contributions with the underserved, pro-bono? I really hope so. For my part, I turned around and ended up buying thousands of books and other sources of IP when I finally hit my earnings potential. I've donated time and money to my childhood library too. Paying forward isn't too bad, when it's all you can afford.
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Unfortunately plenty of local libraries also don't have access to academic journals. I went nuts trying to get legitimate journal access for my students when I was a high school science teacher. I ended up just telling them about Sci-hub.*
As for donating to your childhood library now that you are grown-up, thank you.
You also ask about "returning the favor" when it comes to publishing one's own work in the future. Unfortunately, this isn't as easy as it sounds either. Many academic journals charge a hefty (l
The new tragedy of the commons? (Score:2)
Intellectually, I am on the author/publishers side.
BUT, as a recovering academic, I am all too aware of the issues that these same publishers inflict on colllege students.
And the same sort of IP protection (like Disney et al) has demonstrated politicians inability to objectively weigh societies right to information after a period of profit-taking.
And, then there are other concerns.
"OpenAI admits it's impossible to train generative AI without copyrighted materials | The company has also publishe
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And then some of us instructors (ok, I'm just an adjunct that teaches a few intro courses for Linux and SQL and such) go out of our way to develop our courses using at least free-to-access if not Freely licensed materials. I realize this isn't possible for some courses, but for many it isn't that hard to do.
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And then there are those who teach a course just so they can force their students to buy the latest edition of their materials.
Or you could try the legal and free option (Score:2)
OER Commons is a public digital library of open educational resources. [1]https://oercommons.org/ [oercommons.org]
[1] https://oercommons.org/
Never heard of Z Library before (Score:2)
Good thing the article never explains what it is.
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It's where Gohan and Trunks get most of their reading material.
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> That forum where moderators behave like little tirants and I'm told to login of f*** off?
What's even worse is that the journal referenced by this slashdot article is an ACTUAL ACADEMIC PAPER about stupid shit that people say on Reddit. It's bullshit all the way down.
I just tried to find the paper in question, the link in the Torrentfreak article is broken. Here's a link that works: [1]https://www.researchgate.net/p... [researchgate.net]
[1] https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Michael-Day-33/publication/385695622_Digital_Piracy_in_Higher_Education_Exploring_Social_Media_Users_and_Chinese_Postgraduate_Students_Motivations_for_Supporting_'Academic_Cybercrime'_by_shelving_ebooks_from_Z-Library/links/6730b81cdb208342def74915/Digital-Piracy-in-Higher-Education-Exploring-Social-Media-Users-and-Chinese-Postgraduate-Students-Motivations-for-Supporting-Academic-Cybercrime-by-shelving-ebooks-from-Z-Library.pdf
A necessary good, not evil (Score:2)
I don't think that person understands evil.
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You'd be surprised how many people seem to conflate morality with legality. (And its hardly a new thing. Even the great Immanuel Kant argued that breaking the law was immoral even if the law is unjust. Kant also famously argued it would be immoral to lie to someone to prevent that person from doing a murder, so.... take him with a grain of salt lol)
I'd personally argue the opposite, that its immoral to obey a truly unjust law, because it just empowers the bastards. But I was always that oppositional defiant