News: 0175789967

  ARM Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life (Terry Pratchett, Jingo)

Chess Federation Changes Rules To Allow Jeans Amid Spat; Magnus Carlsen Returns (

(Monday December 30, 2024 @11:40AM (msmash) from the all's-well-that-ends-well dept.)

World chess champion Magnus Carlsen has returned to the International Chess Federation (FIDE) World Rapid and Blitz Championships after new rules [1]allowed players to wear "elegant" jeans with jackets .

Carlsen had withdrawn from the New York tournament when officials [2]demanded he change out of jeans he wore after a lunch meeting, threatening him with fines and disqualification. FIDE revised its dress code following the incident, permitting "appropriate jeans matching the jacket" as an "elegant minor deviation" from standard attire.



Plenty of childishness to go around (Score:3)

by Revek ( 133289 )

Seems like chess if full of childish and pretentious people.

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by kc-guy ( 1108521 )

It's built around a group of people who consider themselves intelligent because of their hyperfocus on one vey specific skillset. It's about as primed for elitism as any group of university PhDs, or religious adherent. Plus... you know... The French .

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by Vlad_the_Inhaler ( 32958 )

In addition, he was going to have to sit out the next round, leaving him with no chance of remaining World Champion.

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by narcc ( 412956 )

Oh, no! Someone who doesn't follow the rules might not win?!

Choices have consequences. You'd think he'd know that.

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by the_B0fh ( 208483 )

Ahh. Another asshole who would defend slavery because it was "a rule".

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by ihavesaxwithcollies ( 10441708 )

Logical Fallacy. Nice Strawman!

P1:You should follow the rules. Choices have consequences

P2:Since you follow rules, you support slavery

SMH. Another strawman for you. Since you don't follow the rules and homosexual sex is illegal, it means you have sex with men.

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by ihavesaxwithcollies ( 10441708 )

Lots more logical fallacies. It's nice to know you would defend slavery, probably why you are an anonymous coward, bud.

Also, kudos on playing the victim for past slaveholders. The bedsheets stay on the bed, my friend.

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by AvitarX ( 172628 )

Sounds like he lost the meta game.

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by smooth wombat ( 796938 )

and bullying players with a fine AND requiring them to change their clothes would disrupt their concentration.

Funny, [1]other people [] have [2]been fined [] for not wearing appropriate attire, and yet they didn't storm off like some petulant child. Sure, they grumbled, but they continued to compete.

If he knew he was going to play there was no reason he couldn't have worn appropriate slacks to the interview then gone straight to the venue. He's been around long enough, he knows the rules.



Re: (Score:2)

by ihavesaxwithcollies ( 10441708 )

> and yet they didn't storm off like some petulant child

Just wait for the 24/7 pr blitz accusing them of cheating.

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by OrangeTide ( 124937 )

Chess at a high level is full of petty politics. Academics and the corporate world are much the same way. Human beings are the common factor here, once you add the into the mix things always seem to go this way.

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by thegarbz ( 1787294 )

Why? Because there's a tournament dress code? Man you must hate all professional sports and games.

The rules were not always taken that seriously (Score:2)

by Vlad_the_Inhaler ( 32958 )

Here is a [1]more in depth look at the original incident []. Magnus Carlsen needs FIDE, but it's just as true that FIDE also needs the strongest player on the planet. Schoolmaster-type arbiters have to accept that the game needs Carlsen and that this level of antagonism on a silly detail is self-defeating.


Re:The rules were not always taken that seriously (Score:5, Insightful)

by AlvySinger ( 900304 )

I don't think Carlsen really needs FIDE. At this point I don't think he cares if he has 47 or 48 titles. But FIDE need high profile players for sponsorship, etc., and Carlsen is still the biggest name at the moment.

There are enough 30+ age players looking at the end of their careers that a few might take up the Freestyle thing with Carlsen, and never player FIDE competitions again. Nakamura has suggested he's been close to retiring and a couple of breakaway competitions with sponsorship and decent prize money might be enough for him to play out. There are a few others that might think their chances of getting to play a FIDE world championship match in classical time control might be dwindling too.

Carlsen isn't playing championship matches because he wants the format to evolve and FIDE is resistant. How this progresses through 2025 could be interesting.

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by thegarbz ( 1787294 )

Need? No. But he did actively seek out a meeting with the chief to discuss this. He openly said right after spitting the dummy that he actually wants to play Blitz and will try and be back the day after. And he did.

He's swinging his weight and reputation around (good for him, what's the point of fame and glory without power), but let's not pretend he was ready to blindly walk away.

What do they have against jeans? (Score:1)

by Anonymous Coward

Do they think he's going to hide an extra chess piece in that small front pocket?

I can see why they wouldn't want clothes with logos or something that could conceal a cheating device, but they're already inspecting ansuses before each match so I think they can handle jeans.

Dress codes are stupid... (Score:2, Flamebait)

by cuda13579 ( 1060440 )

...and have no impact on the quality of play.

Most "suit lovers" are basically cosplayers trying to mask their ineptitude.

Re: (Score:2, Troll)

by Valgrus Thunderaxe ( 8769977 )

Most people that wear suits are mindless conformists.

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by narcc ( 412956 )

The people that sign your paychecks wear suits.

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by sg_oneill ( 159032 )

Eh. Not mine. At least not normally, only if the money people want to discuss funding shit.

But we're an ag-tech company, our customers , farmers, rarely trust people who wear suits. Turn up in jeans and a neat shirt, an you'll get their respect.

Dress codes are needed (Score:3)

by FeelGood314 ( 2516288 )

There is always a need for a dress code. Do players need to wear shirts or can they be topless? How distracting can an outfit be? What about logos or advertisements? FIDE has an image they want to project, do they not have a right to enforce it? As for jeans, their image has evolved. I don't think players wearing jeans detracts from FIDE's image. I think FIDE just didn't update the dress code because policy changes, where everyone has an opinion, are so hard to change.

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by pz ( 113803 )

Your comment on logos and advertising is especially on-point. FIDE has no desire to give free advertising to third-party companies. Enforcing dress codes is part of that.

Other sports leagues have very clear agreements with their players and teams on sponsorships and displays. Why shouldn't FIDE be able to do the same?

Heck, I run a non-sporting event every couple of years that attracts a little over 100 people each time, and even we have guidelines for sponsorship displays.

All that said, Magnus has a long

well the NASCAR look should only be in NASCAR (Score:2)

by Joe_Dragon ( 2206452 )

well the NASCAR look should only be in NASCAR and not in other events.

Checkmate! (Score:4, Funny)

by guygo ( 894298 )

Mate in one for Carlsen. Bravo.

Elegant Jeans (Score:3)

by ThurstonMoore ( 605470 )

Like those kind with the bedazzled back pockets?

Re: Elegant Jeans (Score:4, Funny)

by Pezbian ( 1641885 )

It's like that meme: "If your boyfriend's jeans look like this, you have a girlfriend."

I don't like this ruling (Score:2)

by Gavino ( 560149 )

because it creates ambiguity. What now constitutes "elegance"? It's completely subjective. At least we all know what "jeans" are. Now, the rule is just down to personal preference. Just as good fences make good neighbors, good rules make for good compliance. I can foresee some player saying, "hey my jeans [with a big ugly 'GUCCI' logo] are elegant!" when some arbiter thinks otherwise and pulls them up over it. The player gets asked to change and that player says, "fsck you I'm out" just like Magnus did... b

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by drinkypoo ( 153816 )

> This solves nothing. In fact if anything, it makes the situation worse.

True. They should have abolished dress codes except for stating how much of the body has to be covered and perhaps that the garments can't be visibly worn out. But instead they are clinging to an absurd concept of "elegance" which exists in the mind, not in your garments.

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by Vlad_the_Inhaler ( 32958 )

From an article I linked to above:

> German grandmaster Elisabeth Paehtz recounted an incident highlighting the strict and crude way in which the code is being enforced: a young girl, wearing jeans, was compelled to improvise by wrapping a scarf around her hips to create a makeshift skirt.

It would have been amusing if Carlsen had done that, but I accept that the jobsworth's intervention left him in the wrong frame of mind to play top level chess.

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by narcc ( 412956 )

> left him in the wrong frame of mind to play top level chess

If he's that rattled by being asked to follow simple rules, can you really call him a "top level" player?

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by ihavesaxwithcollies ( 10441708 )

> If he's that rattled by being asked to follow simple rules, can you really call him a "top level" player?

I would call him a top level asshole. Sorry, Magnus don't defame and slander me. I didn't cheat making this comment.

Re: (Score:2)

by thegarbz ( 1787294 )

Hint: If they are flared like you're going to a 70s nightclub, or have more holes in them than a brothel then it's not elegant. There's a lot of fucked up jeans out there so it's a pretty clear and simple ruling. It's not ambiguous if you look like you shopped in a dumpster or not.

I declare jeans legal (Score:1)

by ihavesaxwithcollies ( 10441708 )

After running a 24-7 hour smear campaign on accusing FIDE of cheating, FIDE caved and let the man baby do whatever he wants.

"The Magnus" (Score:2)

by PseudoThink ( 576121 )

Wearing elegant jeans and a jacket when it may or may not be dressy enough. Black dress shoes for the cautious grandmaster, Vans or sneakers for the adventurous gentleman.

"Maybe we should think of this as one perfect week... where we found each
other, and loved each other... and then let each other go before anyone
had to seek professional help."