News: 0175726093

  ARM Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life (Terry Pratchett, Jingo)

Sea Levels are Already Rising in America's Southeast. A Preview of the Future? (

(Sunday December 22, 2024 @11:34AM (EditorDavid) from the hi-tide dept.)

The Washington Post [1]visits one of over 100 tide-tracking stations around the U.S. — Georgia's Fort Pulaski tide gauge:

> Since 2010, the sea level at the Fort Pulaski gauge has risen by more than 7 inches, one of the fastest rates in the country, according to [2]a Washington Post analysis of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration data for 127 tide gauges. Similar spikes are affecting the entire U.S. Southeast — showing a glimpse of our climate future... [I]n the previous 30 years, the ocean rose about 3.7 inches. And the deluge stretches all across the South and the Gulf Coast; over the past 14 years, sea levels in the U.S. South have risen [3]twice as fast as the global average...


> Scientists suspect part of that is because of the Gulf Stream — a long band of warm water that follows the coast up from the equator and then, near Cape Hatteras, turns out into the Atlantic Ocean. The waters of the Gulf Stream and the Gulf of Mexico are warming faster than other parts of the Atlantic, boosting sea levels. "The Gulf of Mexico has warmed exceptionally fast over the past decade and a half," Piecuch said. "It's uncontroversial." But scientists have puzzled over where all that heat is coming from... [T]he current heat could be part of long-term variations in ocean currents, and not a clear signal of climate change. But the fact that the change is linked to heat — at the same time as the entire ocean is taking on excess heat from global warming — makes some experts suspicious. "This particular mechanism does not immediately suggest it's just natural variability," [said Ben Hamlington, a research scientist who leads NASAâ(TM)s [4]sea level change team.


> For now, sea levels in the Southeast are surging — and they provide an early picture of what most of the United States, and the rest of the world, will experience as oceans rise... On Tybee Island — whose population of 4,000 swells to over 100,000 during the summer months — leaders have gotten used to the constant fight against the waves. Five or six times a year, high tides sweep over the one road that connects the island to the mainland, cutting residents off from services. By 2050, scientists estimate, those high tides will happen 70 days a year. With the help of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the city has built dunes to protect vacation homes and local storefronts from the rising water; many homeowners have also raised their properties high up into the air. In Savannah, small businesses and city streets are washed in floods even on bright, sunny days — thanks to high tides that surge into the drainage system. The city estimates that it will cost $400 million to update the stormwater infrastructure over the next two decades. So far, it has raised $150 million...


> Other states and cities will soon see the same effects. NASA projections show that in the coming decades, many cities in the Northeast will experience up to 100 more days of high-tide flooding each year.

"Some researchers think that the Southeast acceleration may be linked to long-term weather patterns in the Atlantic Ocean like the North Atlantic Oscillation.

"If so, the trend could switch in the coming decades — with areas of the Northeast seeing rapid sea level rise while the trend in the Southeast slows down."





"It's uncontroversial." (Score:2)

by Teun ( 17872 )

> "It's uncontroversial"

Regretfully they don't yet have an uncontroversial explanation...

Re: "It's uncontroversial." (Score:4)

by vbdasc ( 146051 )

Very few things are uncontroversial, given the right public. Even Santa Clause's non-existence is controversial to some.

Re: "It's uncontroversial." (Score:3)

by 50000BTU_barbecue ( 588132 )

Even the spelling seems controversial.

Re: (Score:3)

by gtall ( 79522 )

They have several uncontroversial explanations each contributing to the problem. They are only controversial if you wish to ignore data and science.

Re: (Score:3)

by Baron_Yam ( 643147 )

So what you're saying is, whether due to short-sighted greed or the stubborn belligerent ignorance of a large percentage of the population... the explanations are controversial.

Re: (Score:2)

by jmccue ( 834797 )

> Regretfully they don't yet have an uncontroversial explanation...

Per the article, the sea rise is uncontroversial. But starting Jan 20, 2025 you will be right. That is when the Leaders in the US will state there is no sea rise and NOAA will be told to adjust all papers and research accordingly when the new admin takes office.

Re: (Score:2)

by Teun ( 17872 )

It's sad but yes you might be right...

Just be glad (Score:2)

by vbdasc ( 146051 )

that you're not living in Tuvalu or Kiribati. Apologies to these who actually live there.

Re: Just be glad (Score:2, Troll)

by argStyopa ( 232550 )

Tough shit for them. Honestly, your "society" lives on a sand bar, the long term prognosis for it is zero.

To be fair, it's also true for developed world costal megalopolises. Human development prefers locations of convenience, not durability.

Re: Just be glad (Score:5, Insightful)

by gtall ( 79522 )

What you meant to say is, tough shit for them because we are not going to change our behavior that is causing their problems.

Re: (Score:2)

by phantomfive ( 622387 )

Practically speaking, we've built tons of solar and wind power, and we're looking at replacing ICE cars with battery driven.

Re: (Score:2)

by jsonn ( 792303 )

Practically speaking, that's all true, but happening nowhere near at the speed that is necessary.

Re: (Score:1)

by Narcocide ( 102829 )

You should have more sympathy for them; on a long enough geological timeline, all that'll be left of any body of land is a gradually disappearing sandbar. It happened to Lemuria, it happened to High Brazil, and it could happen to your home, too.

Subsidence (Score:5, Informative)

by cirby ( 2599 )

For that region, the real issue is subsidence from the removal of ground water, not a localized increase in sea level.

Fort Pulaski is next to Savannah, which has had a massive population growth (and accompanying increase in fresh water usage) over that time period.

Re: (Score:3)

by quonset ( 4839537 )

So what you're really saying is not only do they have to contend with rising ocean levels, they have to deal with the land sinking at the same time. A double whammy which will accelerate their issues. Got it.

Re: (Score:2)

by MightyMartian ( 840721 )

Yes, but if you can rhetorically minimize the effects of sea level rise, then you don't have to admit that increasing GHGs in the atmosphere is heating the surface of the planet and melting year-round ice sheets in Greenland and Antarctica, so yay!

Re:Subsidence (Score:4, Informative)

by ObliviousGnat ( 6346278 )

According to your link:

> In general, the East Coast is sinking by about 2 millimeters per year. On top of that, the estimated sea level rise is around 4 millimeters per year. There are hotspots that are at an increased risk for sinking. This includes here in Savannah. Savannah, on average, is sinking at 4 millimeters per year.

So in Savannah Georgia, 4mm of each annual measurement increase is from sea level rise and 4mm is from sinking.

Re: (Score:2)

by gtall ( 79522 )

All of which was pointed out in the article.

Ocean wants to get rid of florida faster (NT) (Score:2)

by Shadow of Eternity ( 795165 )

Filter error: You can type more than that for your comment.

Who would have thought that this would happen!!?? (Score:2)

by Kludge ( 13653 )

Nobody could have predicted this! I am shocked! /s

[1] []


Re: (Score:2)

by gtall ( 79522 )

And shortly these reports will cease to be a problem as the new alleged administration will see to it that they are removed and new ones generated to say it is not a problem. Typical el Bunko behavior, the real world is what I say it is. Remember, he destroys everything he touches.

Science while the world burns! (Score:5, Interesting)

by MMC Monster ( 602931 )

I'm really excited to see where this is headed.

Things that I am expecting in the next 30 years (my potential lifetime):

- "breaking" of the Gulf Stream. Will this mean Europe will freeze over? Sudden increased waterfall in Africa and a more temperate climate there?

- A major U.S. costal city (New Orleans?) will have to create water mitigation systems (dams, levees, sea walls, flood gates) that are permanently in place to prevent complete flooding. That system will break often enough that the city will be eventually abandoned (as it will be uninsurable).

- Pandemics (with death on the scale of Covid-19) will become more common, occurring every 5 years or less.

- Drinkable (potable) water in the U.S. will increase in price 5-fold (when indexed for inflation). Free water as restaurants will go away.

It's going to be interesting times for those of us left alive!

Re: (Score:3)

by evanh ( 627108 )

And hypocritical bastards will still vote to use force to take what they can. Misery is easy, as they say.

Re: (Score:3)

by Quantum gravity ( 2576857 )

> - "breaking" of the Gulf Stream. Will this mean Europe will freeze over? Sudden increased waterfall in Africa and a more temperate climate there?

Possibly and probably worst affected will be the Nordic/Scandinavian countries. But possible reductions in rainfall in India, South America and western parts of Africa, which could affect tree growth and agriculture. The Amazon has already experienced a decrease in rainfall.

Serious question (Score:1)

by cascadingstylesheet ( 140919 )

Then why do those who claim to be most concerned about this want to live on the coasts?

Re:Serious question (Score:5, Insightful)

by bill_mcgonigle ( 4333 ) *

To steelman their position:

They are millionaires who can afford the homes and potentially afford the losses but they don't even have to.

Thanks to the National Flood Insurance Program a lower middle-class woodworker in Spokane will pay taxes and a single mom in Phoenix will pay ever-higher grocery bills to cover the losses of the coastal millionaires.

In DC they refer to these citizens as "The Jamokes". It's pure disdain.

But not even Martha's Vineyard is building new sea walls so they don't even believe it.

So you just need to pay more taxes to change the weather.

For another 29 days.

Re: (Score:2)

by I'm just joshin ( 633449 )

Where in Gilbert is below flood level?

Oh, and *East Valley Fist Bump*

Re: (Score:2)

by XXongo ( 3986865 )

> Where in Gilbert is below flood level?

Everybody wants to pooh-pooh the risk of flood. Until one happens.

[1] []

[2] []

[3] []

[4] []

[5]https://valleywiderestoration.... []






Re: (Score:2)

by XXongo ( 3986865 )

> To steelman their position:

The steelman position is that these (unnamed) people read the IPCC sea-level rise projections and buy houses that are well above the anticipated sea level rise.

For example, you mention Martha's Vinyard. I googled mansions on Martha's Vinyard, and here's the first image I got [1] []

This will not be encroached by sea level in the next few centuries.


Re:Serious question (Score:4, Interesting)

by XXongo ( 3986865 )

> Then why do those who claim to be most concerned about this want to live on the coasts?

Every time I've seen one of these posts "XX celebrity has house right on the ocean! That means global warming is fake!" posts, when I look up exactly where the house is and check against a topo map, I find it's on a ridge overlooking the ocean .

High enough that even the exceptional sea-level rise in this article is not going to flood them in this century or next.

What if they are wrong (Score:2)

by FudRucker ( 866063 )

And the ground is sinking a little, Florida is famous for that

Re: (Score:1)

by gtall ( 79522 )

What if they are right and Florida is reclaimed by the Atlantic Ocean? Do you feel lucky? These are scientists who study the problem. You are some yokel shooting from the hip and saying nothing of import.

Re: (Score:2)

by FudRucker ( 866063 )

Shit happens, if you dont want to be a victim of it then get the fuck outa the way

Oh, you think? (Score:2)

by Qbertino ( 265505 )

A preview of the future? What a bold hypothesis. /sarcasm

Re: Oh, you think? (Score:1)

by Fons_de_spons ( 1311177 )

Yup, fake news spread by the mainstream media! (these days I say this to everything in a loud and angry voice. It really is fun.

Re: (Score:3)

by XXongo ( 3986865 )

> all those billionaire dumbocrats buying seafront properties then?

According to the IPCC report -- you know, the one that the deniers all tell you is "fearmongering"--Global Mean Sea Level "will rise between 0.43 m and 0.84 m by 2100 relative to 1986–2005." [1] []

If any of these "billionaire dumbocrats" is buying seafront properties that are less than a meter above the high tide line, tell me which ones.


It's normal human psychology (Score:1)

by Baron_Yam ( 643147 )

For some weird reason, your ego wants you to be Important, with the capital "I". It is very common to want to live in near-apocalyptic times, to be one of the special people who gets to see the world end. And you have an innate sense of fairness (as often as it gets twisted in unhelpful ways like envy), which is why you want to see the fools who brought it about suffer for their stupidity.

It's not even a religious thing. I'm about as atheistic as our primate brains get and I have the desire.

It's why I'm

Opinion (Score:2)

by ElizabethGreene ( 1185405 )

I appreciate that this summary included the uncertainties about cause and future effects. It's much more balanced than the usual end-of-days reporting.

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