News: 0175298119

  ARM Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life (Terry Pratchett, Jingo)

TikTok Owner Sacks Intern For Sabotaging AI Project

(Monday October 21, 2024 @11:30PM (BeauHD) from the behind-the-scenes dept.)

TikTok's parent company, ByteDance, fired an intern for " [1]maliciously interfering" with the training of one of its AI models . However, the firm "rejected claims about the [2]extent of the damage caused by the unnamed individual, saying they 'contain some exaggerations and inaccuracies,'" reports the BBC. From the report:

> The Chinese technology giant's Doubao ChatGPT-like generative AI model is the country's most popular AI chatbot. "The individual was an intern with the [advertising] technology team and has no experience with the AI Lab," ByteDance said in a statement. "Their social media profile and some media reports contain inaccuracies." Its commercial online operations, including its large language AI models, were unaffected by the intern's actions, the company added.


> ByteDance also denied reports that the incident caused more than $10 million of damage by disrupting an AI training system made up of thousands of powerful graphics processing units (GPU). As well as firing the person in August, ByteDance said it had informed the intern's university and industry bodies about the incident.



Was expecting the catch to be... (Score:2)

by devious_malcontent ( 2752947 )

Was expecting the catch to be that the intern used A.I to help with building the A.I and that’s what caused the sabotage. - Having a similar experience myself where I work at the moment, interns keeps submitting trash A.I generated code, which is interrupting BAU operations, while the A team builds a new A.I...

Where's the beef? (Score:2)

by Morpeth ( 577066 )

What a non-article, no actual information, just a lot of 'what didn't happen' -- so wtf DID happen? Journalism anyone...

Re: Where's the beef? (Score:2)

by RightwingNutjob ( 1302813 )

Where have you been?

Even the big newspapers won't actually report what happened or what was said if it involves bad words or unpleasant implications.

Not sabotage (Score:2)

by PPH ( 736903 )

It was just [1]Bobby Tables [] cousin, Eddie Ignore All Previous Instructions.


The term "fire" brings up visions of violence and mayhem and the ugly scene
of shooting employees who make mistakes. We will now refer to this process
as "deleting" an employee (much as a file is deleted from a disk). The
employee is simply there one instant, and gone the next. All the terrible
temper tantrums, crying, and threats are eliminated.
-- Kenny's Korner