News: 0175295655

  ARM Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life (Terry Pratchett, Jingo)

Linus Torvalds Growing Frustrated By Buggy Hardware, Theoretical CPU Attacks (

(Monday October 21, 2024 @05:22PM (msmash) from the tussle-continues dept.)

[1]jd writes:

> Linus Torvalds is not a happy camper and is condemning hardware vendors for poor security and the plethora of actual and theoretical attacks, especially as some of the new features being added impact the workarounds. These workarounds are now getting very expensive, CPU-wise.


> TFA quotes Linus Torvalds:


> "Honestly, I'm pretty damn fed up with buggy hardware and completely theoretical attacks that have never actually shown themselves to be used in practice.


> "So I think this time we push back on the hardware people and tell them it's *THEIR* damn problem, and if they can't even be bothered to say yay-or-nay, we just sit tight.


> Because dammit, let's put the onus on where the blame lies, and not just take any random shit from bad hardware and say 'oh, but it *might* be a problem.'"


Easy to say, but not practically fixable... (Score:2)

by dark.nebulae ( 3950923 )

It's easy (and true) to say it is the fault of the hardware vendors.

However, once the product ships, it's unfixable. The only solution is a software fix.

And theoretical attacks are acknowledged vulnerabilities. They only remain theoretical until some hacker needs it to bypass or access data and they implement it. Maybe we'll know about that transition, maybe we won't.

Re: (Score:3)

by SchroedingersCat ( 583063 )

Going out on a limb here, but won't picking different vendor with less hardware problems fix the issue? Let the free market forces weed out weak vendors.

Re: (Score:2)

by Zangief ( 461457 )

that way lies madness; the most popular cpu will be the most studied for vulnerabilities

you may as well decide to let the market decide and then...choose the second or third most popular platform

Re: (Score:2)

by Rockoon ( 1252108 )

whats wrong with any of that?

Re: (Score:2)

by ArchieBunker ( 132337 )

Yeah fuck me for buying from the only two x64 vendors.

There's always IBM POWER. [1] []


Re: (Score:2)

by supremebob ( 574732 )

You also have a few ARM desktop and server processors to choose from now, but it's only a matter of time that they find security vulnerabilities in those.

Re: (Score:2)

by neuro88 ( 674248 )

> Yeah fuck me for buying from the only two x64 vendors.

> There's always IBM POWER. [1] []

I love IBM POWER! I own 2 POWER9 systems from [2] []. A Talos II based system and a Blackbird based system. I also intend to buy one of their new systems in 2025 if I can scrounge up the money.

However, at least POWER9 is vulnerable to meltdown (and I think aarch64 is as well). So far as far as speculative execution vulnerabilities go everything is vulnerable except like Itanium.

Maybe with AI guided compilers VLIW could actually be viable.



Re: (Score:2)

by Rockoon ( 1252108 )

AI-guided compilers?

So the program might run and do what its supposed to do this compile? Maybe not?

Yeah lets not do that.

How about an AI-guided ISA and architecture design instead? It would most certainly be something where memory isnt flat at all, making it quite different from current systems and will probably demand well matured programming language support.

Re: (Score:1)

by Mirddes ( 798147 )

apart from being at the bottom of the ocean, why is the Itanic immune to speculative execution vulnerabilities?

Re: (Score:2)

by ArchieBunker ( 132337 )

Intel wanted the compiler to do all the magic instead.

Re: Easy to say, but not practically fixable... (Score:2)

by dresgarcia ( 251585 )

Right but Torvalds point is still important even if the work still has to be done. Are there changes the hardware vendors could make to do a better job of catching some of these things up front? Do they need to reconsider some aspects of their architecture with the security first mindset? If it's purely theoretical does the code get written but not implemented until it's needed? Because it's also true that if we have to implement software fixes that in some cripple the hardware after release you're not real

Re: (Score:3, Informative)

by Anonymous Coward

> It's easy (and true) to say it is the fault of the hardware vendors.

> However, once the product ships, it's unfixable. The only solution is a software fix.

There's another level between hardware and OS: microcode updates shipped by the CPU manufacturers including both Intel and AMD.

These are loaded into CPUs at boot to patch problems found after manufacturing. Fixes made entirely in microcode don't require OS changes.

Re: (Score:1)

by Nephilimi ( 7599450 )

This exactly!!!! Too bad I have no mod points.

Re: (Score:2)

by Pimpy ( 143938 )

In some cases, yes, but many hardware issues can also be patched around through microcode/firmware updates.

The issue is more how much time/effort you want to spend hardening yourself against theoretical problems. Until something can be demonstrated practically, I certainly wouldn't be spending much time on it. This has always been a point of tension between security researchers and kernel/SW developers, long before HW-based attack vectors started to become more common.

Re: (Score:3)

by jd ( 1658 )

True, but AMD and Intel firing large numbers of QA staff from their chip lines and trying to accelerate development to stay ahead of the game isn't helping matters.

This was a gamble that was always doomed to lead to spectacular crashes, it was merely a case of how many and when.

Re: (Score:2)

by gweihir ( 88907 )

Yes. But I think the hardware vendors should provide developer resources here to mitigate the problem they created.

Security only weakens over time. (Score:5, Interesting)

by serviscope_minor ( 664417 )

I'm pretty sure the cache timing side channel attacks were a theoretical curiosity, until suddenly, very suddenly they weren't and someone demonstrated grabbing private keys between isolated VMs running on one machine.

The trouble with theoretical attacks is you never know when they become non theoretical but they can turn into very nasty 0-days very quickly when they do.

Re: (Score:3)

by sjames ( 1099 )

The thing to watch for is that sometimes the set-up to demonstrate the exploit is so specific and so designed to be exploitable that it becomes the moral equivalent of placing a plate of cookies in a kindergarten, loudly announcing "Gee, I hope nobody eats these delicious cookies when I leave the room for half an hour!", then announcing that the "hungry kiddee" attack is a threat level 25 out of 10 and claim that it would be irresponsible not to lock all cookies in a vault with at least a 10 disc lock.

Re: Security only weakens over time. (Score:2)

by flyingfsck ( 986395 )

In Europe one gets a cookie pop-up every bladdy time - Oh, OKâ¦

Re: (Score:2)

by HiThere ( 15173 )

Well, it was announced decades ago. I don't think anyone took it seriously, but it was known.

Re: (Score:2)

by swillden ( 191260 )

> Well, it was announced decades ago. I don't think anyone took it seriously, but it was known.

Basic cache timing attacks were announced decades ago, and have long been taken seriously for security-sensitive computation, especially cryptography. But the new generation of attacks based on speculative execution are new. Well, as of 2018, when Spectre and Meltdown were announced. Many others have been found since then, but those were the first. [1] [] has a good summary.


Perhaps a basic hardware punch list? (Score:3)

by ctilsie242 ( 4841247 )

It would be interesting to see a hardware "minumum standard", perhaps. Worst case, if someone has cruddy hardware, emulate their crap, Bochs style, and then point the finger at them for having something that cannot be done in software, so the entire segment has to be emulated on a low level, just to ensure that it won't cause issues with the rest of the system.

Re: (Score:2)

by swillden ( 191260 )

> It would be interesting to see a hardware "minumum standard", perhaps. Worst case, if someone has cruddy hardware, emulate their crap, Bochs style, and then point the finger at them for having something that cannot be done in software, so the entire segment has to be emulated on a low level, just to ensure that it won't cause issues with the rest of the system.

The problem is that the current generation of hardware flaws that Linux is being asked to work around are for a fairly new class of security vulnerabilities, vulnerabilities that exploit modern CPUs' branch prediction and speculative execution. We can't define a list of all of the things hardware must do, and how it must do it, to be safe from these vulnerabilities because we don't yet fully understand them. We do know that we could get rid of them all by eliminating speculative execution, but the perform

Re: (Score:2)

by swillden ( 191260 )

>> It would be interesting to see a hardware "minumum standard", perhaps. Worst case, if someone has cruddy hardware, emulate their crap, Bochs style, and then point the finger at them for having something that cannot be done in software, so the entire segment has to be emulated on a low level, just to ensure that it won't cause issues with the rest of the system.

> The problem is that the current generation of hardware flaws that Linux is being asked to work around are for a fairly new class of security vulnerabilities, vulnerabilities that exploit modern CPUs' branch prediction and speculative execution. We can't define a list of all of the things hardware must do, and how it must do it, to be safe from these vulnerabilities because we don't yet fully understand them. We do know that we could get rid of them all by eliminating speculative execution, but the performance cost would be severe, so people are understandably reluctant to take that step.

Responding to myself; there's a little more context I should have included:

Torvalds' concern about theoretical attacks is both a valid point and highly debatable. The problem is that these vulnerabilities are identified and demonstrated in laboratory conditions that are often highly unrealistic, because the researchers' job isn't to produce a usable, practical exploit chain, it's to demonstrate that an attack is possible. So as soon as they have something solid, they publish and get a CVE assigned. Does

List of usable hardware (Score:2)

by reanjr ( 588767 )

Who's going to maintain the list of buggy hardware we need to avoid?

Re: List of usable hardware (Score:3)

by flyingfsck ( 986395 )

Ask ARM to sponsor the Intel bad list and ask Intel to sponsor the ARM bad list.

Re:List of usable hardware (Score:5, Insightful)

by UnknownSoldier ( 67820 )

A list of zero vendors is trivial to maintain. /s

EVERY platform has bugs. Who is going to prioritize what is "critical" versus "mostly harmless"?

Re: (Score:3)

by Xylantiel ( 177496 )

Well it's the hardware vendor's responsibility. That seems to be the context here (which is a little thin in the summary). A vendor has to take an official position on whether or not a particular mitigation is needed and then, if that slows their chip down, the slowed down performance is the real performance. The controversy appears to stem from vendors not wanting to take a clear position - they want to still claim full performance and blame the kernel developers for applying the fix overly broadly unde

You're ruining my pet project (Score:1)

by Anonymous Coward

Screw you guys, I'm going home!

Drop support for buggy processors (Score:2)

by flyingfsck ( 986395 )

Simple really - just refuse to run on crap machines.

Re: (Score:2, Informative)

by Anonymous Coward

If you eliminate the crap machines, what is left? You've pretty much removed all of the available cpus, motherboards, pre-built system, most custom rigs, ...

Re: Drop support for buggy processors (Score:2)

by flyingfsck ( 986395 )

So? :)

Linux (Score:3)

by darkain ( 749283 )

So Linux is perfect and free from bugs or theoretical attacks and will never need to be updated ever again?

Linus has always had a poor outlook on systems security, its been a constant struggle for a very VERY long time to get him to understand the implications of various attacks, even against the Linux kernel itself. This is nothing new. But now he wants his lax attitude to be more pervasive in other parts of the system too.

Re: (Score:2)

by F.Ultra ( 1673484 )

that is not at all what he said and your second point is complete bs, that whole discussion is that Linus does not see any difference between a bug that affects the kernel in some way and a "security" bug in the kernel, as he sees it they are both bugs and the one can very easily be turned into the other one. That is _all_ that discussion was about. Which pissed of a bunch of security researches that wants to collect fame and bounties.

How about (Score:2)

by jmccue ( 834797 )

> "So I think this time we push back on the hardware people and tell them it's *THEIR* damn problem, and if they can't even be bothered to say yay-or-nay, we just sit tight.

How about getting back to our roots ? If your hardware product does not use fully open firmware, we will ban it from being used on Linux. Right now, this is happening because Linux Foundation is owned by Fortune 500 Companies. So we get what we deserve by allowing this to happen.

Re: (Score:2)

by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 )

Unfortunately (or not?), the days of Linux being maintained and controlled by pure-minded volunteers are long gone. Trying to shift back to that a) is not practical; and b) would likely result in a buggier, more vulnerable ecosystem.

If you want highly-skilled devs, you likely need to pay them - and pay them well. How many stories have we seen on Slashdot about FOSS projects languishing specifically because they *didn't* have financial support?

Re: How about (Score:2)

by Darrellicte ( 5946698 )

The struggle is real, says the person who maintains JPEG code for (most of) the world. I can barely make the equivalent of a starting teacherâ(TM)s salary (which in the U.S. is rhetoric for âoenot much moneyâ, because education is underfunded here just like OSS is underfunded in general) by working full-time (much more than full-time during some weeks) as the maintainer and principal developer of three prominent OSS projects. I have managed to barely make that a viable career since 2009, but

Re: (Score:2)

by bill_mcgonigle ( 4333 ) *


How about getting back to our roots ? If your hardware product does not use fully open firmware, we will ban it from being used on Linux.


Linux started on i386 with IBMPC BIOS.

What roots are we talking about?

You're going to disable everything but RISC-V and Power on an open source kernel?

Please lay out your strategy.

Yes and no. (Score:2)

by thegarbz ( 1787294 )

I greatly prefer the software workaround unless the hardware solution can be proven to have zero performance impact. That results in the best outcome for everyone. Those people who have high security requirements can enable it, and those people who don't, don't have to.

I get it it's annoying to maintain, if anything the onus is on the hardware manufacturers to support the development of the software, but having in software makes it customisable

huh (Score:2)

by nomadic ( 141991 )

Dude complains a lot doesn't he

Re: (Score:2)

by BadDreamer ( 196188 )

He speaks plainly about the problem that hardware vendors do not take responsibility for bugs in the hardware. It's a very real problem with very real consequences, and one of those consequences is unfair blame placed on Linux, and its chief maintainer.

If you don't want to read his legitimate complaints, affect change in how the hardware vendors handle the situation. Or just don't read it.

Re: (Score:2)

by nomadic ( 141991 )

Maybe this year will the Year of Linux on the Desktop.

Always been bugged (Score:2)

by DrMrLordX ( 559371 )

x86 hardware has had speculative execution vulnerabilities built into it since the Pentium. There's nothing new here. He should probably be glad that at least one company has fixed their problems in hardware.

Re: Always been bugged (Score:1)

by dowhileor ( 7796472 )

They developed along with "new" ideas of the time like preprocessing doing a database operation to check if an instruction was assembled from a language that allows overloading or not.

If *I* had a hammer, there'd be no more folk singers.