News: 0173642084

  ARM Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life (Terry Pratchett, Jingo)

Twilio Founder Buys Satire Site 'The Onion' (

(Thursday April 25, 2024 @05:50PM (BeauHD) from the area-man dept.)

Jeff Lawson, the cofounder of cloud computing company Twilio, appears to have [1]purchased the satirical news website The Onion from G/O Media . Business Insider reports:

> A trust linked to Lawson is behind a San Francisco-based company called Global Tetrahedron, which shares the name of a fictional evil megacorporation in a long-running Onion gag, business records show. G/O Media CEO Jim Spanfeller confirmed the sale of The Onion to Global Tetrahedron in an email Thursday to staff, [2]first reported by New York Times journalist Katie Robertson.


> "This company is made up of four digital media veterans with a profound love for The Onion and comedy based content," Spanfeller wrote. "The site's new owners have agreed to keep The Onion's entire staff intact and in Chicago, something we insisted be part of the deal."

When asked about the purchase, Lawson replied: "What's The Onion?" Then, "What's a Tetrahedron?"



Wonder if it will be funny? (Score:1)

by Radice Utente ( 599989 )

Real life is becoming a parody of satire (cf. [1] []). How can The Onion keep up without potentially offending some edge of a fringe? Meanwhile in Scotland....


Re: (Score:2)

by elcor ( 4519045 )

Enjoy the real life humor and call your reps daily. They love it.

Wonder if he can make it funny again. (Score:2)

by jddj ( 1085169 )

Two problems for the Onion of today, one of their making, one out of their hands:

1. To get an article published, the headline has to slay, and the quality of the article is way down the priority list. (This from a years ago article about how the writers room there works).

2. The world has gotten far weirder and dumber than it was when The Onion was a subway stop rag. Many times nowadays it's hard to tell whether a news story is legit or parody. ('US Senator thinks a woman can swallow a camera to do a gynecol

Re: (Score:2)

by LuniticusTheSane ( 1195389 )

The only difference between The Onion and real news is that the Onion publishes their article a couple of days before the real news does.

Well, I guess that's the end (Score:2)

by ebunga ( 95613 )

Twilio ruins everything they touch.

Black Holes:
An X generation subgroup best known for their possession of
almost entirely black wardrobes.
-- Douglas Coupland, "Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated