News: 0173629092

  ARM Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life (Terry Pratchett, Jingo)

Google-Backed Glance Pilots Android Lockscreen Platform in US (

(Wednesday April 24, 2024 @05:20PM (msmash) from the shape-of-things-to-come dept.)

Glance, which operates a popular lockscreen platform targeting Android smartphones, is setting its sights on the U.S. market. From a report:

> The Indian startup recently [1]commenced a pilot program in partnership with Motorola and Verizon in the U.S. , with plans for a full launch in the country later this year, sources familiar with the matter told TechCrunch. The Bengaluru-headquartered startup, backed by investors, including Google and Jio Platforms, has already made significant inroads in India, Southeast Asia, and Japan, where it expanded last year. According to a person familiar with the matter, Glance's lockscreen platform today reaches more than 450 million smartphones and is active on about 300 million of them, delivering those customers a customized feed of news, local events, sports updates, media content, and interactive games directly to their lockscreens without requiring them to install additional apps.

The recently launched Moto G Power smartphone in the U.S. shipped with Glance's platform, the report says.

Further reading : [2]Motorola Spoiled a Good Budget Phone With Bloatware .



Re: (Score:3)

by Shakrai ( 717556 )

3) It will undoubtedly be used to push ads nobody except the MBA asshats asked for.

....why??? (Score:2)

by peterww ( 6558522 )

The one thing I want *less of* is another thing haranguing me with news, sports, weather, videos and games. It's everywhere and it's terrible. I explicitly install a custom Home screen app on my phone just to silence notifications and remove widgets and daily summaries and all the other bullshit that tries to suck you into the phone to make money off of you.

Re: (Score:2)

by fahrbot-bot ( 874524 )

And... Personally, I pretty much want my lockscreen app to lock my screen -- 'cause I'm not using the phone or it's in my pocket, etc... Notifications for operational things, like calls, text, perhaps emails is useful. The other stuff, that Glance provides (pushes), not so much.

Not on my phone. (Score:2)

by codebase7 ( 9682010 )

Unlocked bootloader + custom rom. No stupid shit.

Oh? I have to get my wallet out at McDonnalds? Who gives a fuck other than convenience addicted assholes robbing everyone else by refusing to pay for that bag of "free" fries?

Oh? My bank's app won't work? Never used it to begin with, and other (non-approved by Google's ownership theft platform) devices work just fine for accessing their main website. Even if they didn't, I still wouldn't use their app.

Oh? Some stupid freeimum game won't work? Don't care

Re: (Score:1)

by Mirddes ( 798147 )

to be fair banking apps in my country are bloody amazing.

im honestly not sure why anyone wouldn't want a banking app.

do you at least use internet banking?

or do you go into the branch every time...

so, in case anyone ... (Score:3)

by znrt ( 2424692 )

.. immediately asked him/her/itself "dafuk is a lockscreen platform ?", i did the job for you:

> a smart lock screen experience that helps you discover everything you love, as it happens, in just a simple glance

so yeah, it's literally what it sounded like: absolutely nothing to see here. thank me later, nice to meet you, bye.

another add dispenser? (Score:2)

by pesho ( 843750 )

Am I correct in thinking that the function of the "lock screen platform" is to shove adds in your face using your personal device? Someone has smeared so much tech-bro mumbo-jumbo in that article that it takes a lot of effort to penetrate what actually they are selling. Otherwise I am all for a "lock screen platform" that is "surface-first innovation driven" and serves "w.r.t. innovation in AI " to "drive user engagement". Who wouldn't be?

Re: (Score:2)

by pesho ( 843750 )

"add="ad" damn my spelling!

Not on my watch (Score:2)

by smooth wombat ( 796938 )

Let me know when you can push this crap to a flip phone. Then I'll be impressed.

Til then, ad and malware free it is.

More Distracted Driving Fatalities Incoming. (Score:2)

by zenlessyank ( 748553 )

"But Officer I wasn't ON the phone."

BEWARE! People acting under the influence of human nature.