News: 2022-05-30_10-16-27_encore-une-mauvaise-nouvelle-a-la-pompe-

  ARM Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life (Terry Pratchett, Jingo)

Encore une mauvaise nouvelle à la pompe: le diesel repasse la barre des 2 euros le litre

(2022-05-30_10-16-27 (Belga))

Le prix maximum du litre de diesel B7 repassera à nouveau la barre des 2 euros mardi à la pompe, s’établissant à 2,048 euros après une augmentation de 7,1 centimes, indique lundi la Direction générale Energie du SPF Economie.

Les prix du carburant dépendent des fluctuations des cotations des produits pétroliers sur les marchés internationaux. Ils ont été poussés à la hausse, entre autres, par l’invasion russe de l’Ukraine. À la mi-mars, le prix du diesel avait atteint un pic de 2,286 euros par litre.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Hobos and Tramps,
Cross-eyed mosquitos and bowlegged ants,
I come before you to stand behind you
To tell you of something I know nothing about.
Next Thursday (which is good Friday),
There will be a convention held in the
Women's Club which is strictly for Men.
Admission is free, pay at the door,
Pull up a chair, and sit on the floor.
It was a summer's day in winter,
And the snow was raining fast,
As a barefoot boy with shoes on,
Stood sitting in the grass.
Oh, that bright day in the dead of night,
Two dead men got up to fight.
Three blind men to see fair play,
Forty mutes to yell "Hooray"!
Back to back, they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other.
A deaf policeman heard the noise,
Came and arrested those two dead boys.