News: 2022-05-25_22-02-00_en-direct-les-combats-se-rapprochent-de-

  ARM Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life (Terry Pratchett, Jingo)

EN DIRECT: : les combats se rapprochent de Severodonetsk où la situation est "très difficile"

(2022-05-25_22-02-00 (avec AFP, Belga))

• La situation est “très difficile” à Severodonetsk, dont la périphérie est désormais le terrain de combats entre forces russes et ukrainiennes, a affirmé sur Telegram Serguiï Gaïdaï, le gouverneur de la région de Lougansk, où se trouve la ville.

•L’Ukraine a appelé la communauté internationale réunie à Davos (Suisse) à “tuer les exportations russes”

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[1]Notre DOSSIER complet: Invasion russe en Ukraine


Astrology is the sheerest hokum. This pseudoscience has been around since
the day of the Chaldeans and Babylonians. It is as phony as numerology,
phrenology, palmistry, alchemy, the reading of tea leaves, and the practice
of divination by the entrails of a goat. No serious person will buy the
notion that our lives are influenced individually by the movement of
distant planets. This is the sawdust blarney of the carnival midway.
-- James J. Kilpatrick, Universal Press Syndicate