News: 2022-05-13_06-10-00_en-direct-la-russie-va-suspendre-ses-liv

  ARM Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life (Terry Pratchett, Jingo)

EN DIRECT: la Russie va suspendre ses livraisons d'électricité à la Finlande - le chef du Pentagone demande un cessez-le-feu “immédiat” - l'UE va fournir une nouvelle aide militaire de 500 millions d'euros à l'Ukraine

(2022-05-13_06-10-00 (avec agences))

Suivez ci-dessous notre live sur la situation en Ukraine.


[1]Notre DOSSIER complet: Invasion russe en Ukraine


Acting is not very hard. The most important things are to be able to laugh
and cry. If I have to cry, I think of my sex life. And if I have to laugh,
well, I think of my sex life.
-- Glenda Jackson