News: 0001532583

  ARM Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life (Terry Pratchett, Jingo)

GTK On Android & macOS Seeing Improvements

([GNOME] 5 Hours Ago GNOME This Week)

In addition to Friday's very exciting [1]GNOME 48 release candidate with some last minute features, there have also been some other GNOME-related changes this week to call out.

This Week in GNOME is out with their newest issue to highlight some of the interesting GNOME changes to land this week from apps to the GTK tool-kit. There are a few items worth mentioning for this week, especially on the GTK side.

With the GTK toolkit, the recently-merged [2]GTK Android back-end there is now initial support for OpenGL. There isn't yet full OpenGL support for the GTK Android back-end but enough that most apps using GTK's GLArea should work. This should also yield better Android GTK performance especially for effects like shadows.

GTK on macOS meanwhile with GTK 4.18 will use native window controls. This is a new opt-in feature for GTK on Apple macOS to enjoy native window controls.

Refine 0.5 as [3]an alternative to GNOME Tweaks is out with more improvements for tuning your GNOME desktop experience. Refine 0.5 adds support for rearranging the tilebar's window buttons.

More details on other GNOME changes this week via the [4]This Week in GNOME blog.







Microsoft Acquires Nothing

REDMOND, WA -- In an unprecedented move, Microsoft refrained from acquiring any
rival companies for a full week. "I can't believe it," one industry analyst
noted. "This is the first time in years that I haven't read any headlines about
Microsoft acquiring something."

The lack of Microsoft assimilation this week left a vacuum in computer industry
publications. "Microsoft acquisition stories make up 10% of our headlines," an
editor at Ziff-Slavis said. "We had to scramble to fill this void. We ran some
controversial Jessie Burst columns instead, hoping that we could recoup ad
revenue from people reading all the flames in the Talk Back forums. Jessie
Burst forums account for 15% of our total ad revenue."