News: 0001532574

  ARM Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life (Terry Pratchett, Jingo)

Mesa's Venus Driver Adds Vulkan Ray-Tracing Support For VMs

([Virtualization] 5 Hours Ago Vulkan Ray-Tracing Within VMs)

Mesa's Venus driver that allows for 3D graphics acceleration within virtual machines is now able to make use of the Vulkan ray-tracing extensions when using Mesa 25.1-devel along with updated Venus Protocol and Virglrenderer code.

Yiwei Zhang has contributed Vulkan ray-tracing support to the [1]Venus driver for next quarter's Mesa 25.1 release. This Venus driver code enables the following extensions: VK_KHR_deferred_host_operations, VK_KHR_acceleration_structure, VK_KHR_ray_query, VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline, VK_KHR_ray_tracing_position_fetch, and VK_KHR_ray_tracing_maintenance1.

Yiwei Zhang has shown this Vulkan ray-tracing support in action when paired with the latest Venus Protocol and Virglrenderer:

[2]The merge request was merged on Friday into Mesa 25.1-devel.






While the engineer developed his thesis, the director leaned over to
his assistant and whispered, "Did you ever hear of why the sea is salt?"
"Why the sea is salt?" whispered back the assistant. "What do you
The director continued: "When I was a little kid, I heard the story of
`Why the sea is salt' many times, but I never thought it important until just
a moment ago. It's something like this: Formerly the sea was fresh water and
salt was rare and expensive. A miller received from a wizard a wonderful
machine that just ground salt out of itself all day long. At first the miller
thought himself the most fortunate man in the world, but soon all the villages
had salt to last them for centuries and still the machine kept on grinding
more salt. The miller had to move out of his house, he had to move off his
acres. At last he determined that he would sink the machine in the sea and
be rid of it. But the mill ground so fast that boat and miller and machine
were sunk together, and down below, the mill still went on grinding and that's
why the sea is salt."
"I don't get you," said the assistant.
-- Guy Endore, "Men of Iron"