Direct3D Video Decode To Vulkan Video API Being Worked On For Wine
- Reference: 0001531632
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CodeWeavers developer Elizabeth Figura has opened a merge request for Wine to begin landing Vulkan Video H.264 decode within the WineD3D code. This would allow Windows applications making use of the D3D11 video decode API to ultimately utilize Vulkan Video where supported on Linux systems.
[1]This open merge request is just the first of three planned parts around WineD3D H.264 decoding using the Vulkan Video API. Right now it's just for H.264 but could be extended for other video formats supported by Vulkan Video and Direct3D as well.
This is an exciting WineD3D development and hopefully this functionality will all be wired up soon for making use of Vulkan Video within Wine / Steam Play (Proton) via the Direct3D video interfaces.