News: 0001530338

  ARM Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life (Terry Pratchett, Jingo)

Mesa's Vulkan WSI Now Supports Wayland Color Management

([Mesa] 6 Hours Ago Vulkan + Wayland Color Management)

Adding to the flurry of open-source work recently around the merged [1]Wayland color management protocol for supporting HDR , the Mesa Vulkan Windowing System Integration (WSI) code has added support for this protocol.

Since the [2]Wayland Protocols 1.41 release with color management / HDR being added, there's been a lot of activity in different open-source project upstreams. [3]Compositors have been adding support , [4]various apps are adding support , and now the Vulkan WSI code within Mesa has support for it.

The now-merged work for Mesa 25.1 plumbs in the Wayland color management protocol to the Vulkan windowing system integration. In turn this allows Mesa Vulkan drivers to support more color-spaces via VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace and the VK_EXT_hdr_metadata Vulkan extension for dealing with HDR meta-data on Wayland. This Mesa code depends upon the Wayland compositor being used to support this protocol.

The Mesa code was written a few months ago by KDE developer Xaver Hugl but had been held up waiting on the actual Wayland Protocols release. See [5]the merge request for those interested in all the details on this color management / HDR support on Wayland with the Mesa Vulkan drivers.








Ferrum Master


"You say there are two types of people?"
"Yes, those who separate people into two groups and those that don't."
"Wrong. There are three groups:
Those who separate people into three groups.
Those who don't separate people into groups.
Those who can't decide."
"Wait a minute, what about people who separate people into two groups?"
"Oh. Okay, then there are four groups."
"Aren't you then separating people into four groups?"
"So then there's a fifth group, right?"
"You know, the problem is these idiots who can't make up their minds."