Mesa's Vulkan WSI Now Supports Wayland Color Management
([Mesa] 6 Hours Ago
Vulkan + Wayland Color Management)
- Reference: 0001530338
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Adding to the flurry of open-source work recently around the merged [1]Wayland color management protocol for supporting HDR , the Mesa Vulkan Windowing System Integration (WSI) code has added support for this protocol.
Since the [2]Wayland Protocols 1.41 release with color management / HDR being added, there's been a lot of activity in different open-source project upstreams. [3]Compositors have been adding support , [4]various apps are adding support , and now the Vulkan WSI code within Mesa has support for it.
The now-merged work for Mesa 25.1 plumbs in the Wayland color management protocol to the Vulkan windowing system integration. In turn this allows Mesa Vulkan drivers to support more color-spaces via VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace and the VK_EXT_hdr_metadata Vulkan extension for dealing with HDR meta-data on Wayland. This Mesa code depends upon the Wayland compositor being used to support this protocol.
The Mesa code was written a few months ago by KDE developer Xaver Hugl but had been held up waiting on the actual Wayland Protocols release. See [5]the merge request for those interested in all the details on this color management / HDR support on Wayland with the Mesa Vulkan drivers.
Since the [2]Wayland Protocols 1.41 release with color management / HDR being added, there's been a lot of activity in different open-source project upstreams. [3]Compositors have been adding support , [4]various apps are adding support , and now the Vulkan WSI code within Mesa has support for it.
The now-merged work for Mesa 25.1 plumbs in the Wayland color management protocol to the Vulkan windowing system integration. In turn this allows Mesa Vulkan drivers to support more color-spaces via VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace and the VK_EXT_hdr_metadata Vulkan extension for dealing with HDR meta-data on Wayland. This Mesa code depends upon the Wayland compositor being used to support this protocol.
The Mesa code was written a few months ago by KDE developer Xaver Hugl but had been held up waiting on the actual Wayland Protocols release. See [5]the merge request for those interested in all the details on this color management / HDR support on Wayland with the Mesa Vulkan drivers.