News: 0001515826

  ARM Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life (Terry Pratchett, Jingo)

Mesa Saw Fewer Patches This Year But Valve's Contributions Took The Top Spot

([Mesa] 5 Hours Ago Mesa 2024 Git Activity)

While [1]the Mesa 3D graphics drivers saw many new features and improvements land in 2024, on a Git commit basis it's actually at a several year low in terms of new commits. Here are the numbers as well as a look at the most active contributors to Mesa, including a Valve open-source graphics driver developer now taking the top spot.

When running GitStats on the Mesa Git state as of this New Year's Eve morning, I was surprised to see Mesa down on a commit count for the year:

Mesa saw 15,295 commits in 2024, which is down from 17,642 last year or 16,531 in 2022. Even back in 2021 was 15,255 commits. The commit count is still much higher than many years ago when hardware vendors were investing less in Linux graphics and before all of the Valve contributions, but still a bit surprising to see the Mesa Git commit for 2024 coming in lower.

Commit counts are just one metric but also looking at line count for the year, 2024 was less for Mesa. Mesa this year saw 1,027,130 lines of code added and 565,868 lines of code removed... Mesa in 2023 saw 1,090,967 lines of code added and 528,992 lines of code removed. Back in 2020 through 2022 were also more than 1.1 million lines of code added each year. The less code churn for Mesa in 2024 may also be due to more of the drivers simply maturing as well as needing less Mesa infrastructure work with that maturing as well in core common code.

The most prolific contributor to Mesa this year was Samuel Pitoiset of Valve's Linux graphics team. Samuel Pitoiset was responsible for 1,204 commits this year or roughly 8% of all the commits made to Mesa in 2024... Pitoiset has done much work to the RADV Vulkan driver, ACO compiler back-end, and related code.

Following Pitoiset was Alyssa Rosenzweig with Collabora working on the Arm Mali and Apple graphics drivers and then Faith Ekstrand, Eric Engestrom, Mike Blumenkrantz, and Marek Olšák. There were 347 authors to Mesa this year, down from 350 last year.

The Mesa codebase is up to around 5,754,459 lines in total for what's tracked by Git as we close out 2024.

Those wanting to see all of the Mesa EOY2024 GitStats in full can find the freshly generated data [2]here .




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