News: 0001515681

  ARM Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life (Terry Pratchett, Jingo)

AMD's GPUOpen Vulkan Memory Allocator Now Supports Vulkan 1.4

([Radeon] 6 Hours Ago Vulkan Memory Allocator 3.2)

AMD's GPUOpen team managed to squeeze in a new Vulkan Memory Allocator release into 2024. As a reminder this is a easy to use/integrate Vulkan memory allocation library for both Windows and Linux systems with hopes of making memory allocation and resource creation more easier like with Direct3D 11 and OpenGL.

This morning Vulkan Memory Allocator 3.2 was released by the GPUOpen project. The headline change is now supporting [1]Vulkan 1.4 that debuted earlier this month. Vulkan 1.4 is already [2]supported by various Mesa drivers and as of last week [3]supported by AMDVLK as AMD's official open-source Vulkan driver. Vulkan Memory Allocator 3.2 is now compatible with Vulkan 1.4 usage.

The Vulkan Memory Allocator 3.2 release also adds support for the VK_KHR_external_memory_win32 extension on Windows systems. Plus fixes some thread safety issues and other bug fixes / improvements. Vulkan developers wanting to make use of this GPUOpen project for easier Vulkan memory management can find the code via [4]GitHub .






I doubt, therefore I might be.